

Students are not to come to school before the allotted time for arrival. Supervision is provided for students beginning at 8:15 am. Students are to go to the cafeteria and they may eat free breakfast. At 8:15 am the students are guided to their assigned areas each morning. Any student who is not in their class by the second bell, 8:45 am, will be marked tardy. At the beginning of the year, please discuss with your child’s teacher how you expect him/her to go home every day. If there is a change in your standard dismissal routine, please send a note to your child's teacher. If a note is not received, the student will be sent home his/her regular way.


Students are required to attend school 180 days per year. By law, parents are required to provide the school within 3 days with a written note of each absence. The only legally excused absences are for illness, doctor’s appointments, and illness or death of a family member. Certain other emergencies may be excused with permission from the principal. In accordance with district policy, six (6) or more days per quarter, eleven (11) or more days per semester, and twenty (20) or more days per school year are considered excessive and may cause the student to be retained. Students arriving after the 8:45 am bell will need to report to the office for a tardy slip. Disciplinary action, that may involve the school social worker, may be taken for excessive tardiness and/or absenteeism as this interferes with student progress. In addition, late entry into the classroom interrupts the classroom instruction for other students. Parents should accompany tardy students to the office to explain the reason for the tardiness. 


Bikes may be ridden by students and parked in the assigned areas. It is highly recommended that students have a lock. As per Florida Law, all students riding bicycles are required to wear a helmet. THE RIDING OF BIKES, SCOOTERS, SKATEBOARDS, AND SKATES ON SCHOOL PROPERTY IS NOT PERMITTED.


Bus service is provided for students that live more than 2 miles away from the school. A copy of the Code of Student Conduct is given to each student, which includes the rules for riding the bus. All students are expected to follow these rules. Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in the student being removed from the bus. If a bus student will be going home via another means, the student must bring a written note from their parent/guardian. Unless the teacher receives a written note or the office is notified prior to dismissal, the student will ride their normal bus home. Requests to ride a different bus must have prior approval from transportation.


OCPS has a civility code in place. The civility code requires respect, kindness, cooperation, and responsibility for your own actions from all parties involved. The full civility code is available on the school website.


Only two (2) celebrations per year are permitted: winter break and end of year party.  Only store bought, sealed food items are permitted to be served to students. Siblings cannot be pulled from other classes to attend. Cake and cupcakes are permitted on the students’ birthday with prior permission from the teacher to be served during lunch only. No other items will be permitted into the classrooms as they cause distractions to the students, including balloons, flowers, etc.  The cafeteria staff does offer a birthday package for students.  Please see the options here: https://www.ocps.net/departments/food_and_nutrition_services


In order for your child to be seen in the clinic the Health Consent Form must be completed through Skyward.  Once completed, the health assistant will give students medical attention allowed under county health policies. If a student has a high fever, the parent will be called to take the student home. Please make sure your phone number and list of all adults who are authorized to pick up the student in the event the parent cannot be reached is up to date. Students will not be permitted to take medications at school without completing the appropriate forms; this includes Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough medicine, or cough drops. Medicine must be in its original container when signed in to the clinic.


Students are expected to adhere to the OCPS dress code policy in order to provide a safe and orderly learning environment. The OCPS Code of Conduct states:

1. Clothes shall be worn as they are designed. For example, suspenders should be over the shoulders, pants secured at the waist, belts buckled, no underwear as outerwear, no underwear exposed.

2. Clothing must cover the body from one armpit across to the other armpit and down to approximately mid-thigh (see image to the right). Tops must have straps. Undergarments must not be viewable. Rips, holes, or tears in clothing must be below mid-thigh.

3. Shoes shall be worn at all times and should be safe for the school environment. The following shoes are not acceptable for any OCPS student: cleated shoes or shoes with wheels.

4. Headgear shall not be worn on campus during the school day, unless the headgear is approved by the principal.

5. Specialized courses may require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear, and must be approved by the principal before being worn during the school day.

6. See-through, revealing, or mesh garments must not be worn without appropriate coverage underneath that meet the minimum requirements of this dress code.

7. Gang paraphernalia, garments and/or jewelry, tattoos, or other insignias, which display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, alcohol, or tobacco-related wording/graphics or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school, shall not be worn.

8. Clothing must not state, imply, or depict hate speech or imagery targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other protected class.

9. Clothing and accessories that endanger students or staff shall not be worn.

10. Individual schools may implement school uniforms with community input and approval of the principal’s supervisor.

11. Individual schools are expected to use the state and district dress and grooming guidelines as minimum standards; any adjustments may be made upon approval of the principal’s supervisor. The principal at each school reserves the right to determine what appropriate dress is for the school as detailed in these minimum standards.


We want our students to maximize class learning time.  Please limit removing your child from school before the bell rings as class time is essential to their learning.  If you need to take your child out early A PHOTO ID WILL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN OUT A STUDENTThis policy is strictly enforced for the safety and protection of all students. No student will leave campus without first being signed out.